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알고리아 Managing Results(3-17)

by dev_caleb 2022. 3. 4.

Delete a Replica Index



Delete a replica index | Algolia

Learn how to delete replicas through the dashboard and the API.




You can delete a standard or virtual replica through the API or your Algolia dashboard.



Using the API#

To delete a standard or virtual replica index through the API, you need to use the setSettingsmethod on the original index to unlink the replica, then use the deleteIndex method on the replica index to delete it.

In the below example, we want to delete the products_price_asc replica.

API를 통해 표준 또는 가상 복제본 색인을 삭제하려면 원본 색인의 setSettingsmethod를 사용하여 복제본 연결을 해제한 후 삭제를 사용해야 합니다.삭제할 복제본 색인의 색인 방법.
아래의 예에서 products_price_asc replica를 삭제하고자 합니다.



If the primary index has other replica indices which you don’t want to unlink, they should remain in the replicas parameter.


주 인덱스에 링크 해제하지 않을 다른 복제본 인덱스가 있는 경우, 해당 인덱스는 복제본 매개 변수에 남아 있어야 합니다.


  replicas: []
}).then(() => productsPriceAsc.delete());

Using the Dashboard#

You can also delete replica indices in your Algolia dashboard with the following steps:

  1. Go to your dashboard and select your primary index from the Indices tab.
  2. Click on the Replicas tab.
  3. Click on the Unlink Replica button to remove the relevant replica.
  4. Don’t forget to save your changes.



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