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Firebase storage 가 갑자기 용량이 너무 크다? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63578581/firebase-storage-artifacts Firebase storage artifacts I' trying to understand what eu.artifacts.%PROJECT NAME%.appspot.com is. It's currently taking up 800mb of storage from my daily 5gb limit. It contains only application/octet-stream type of files. ... stackoverflow.com function 때문에 어쩔 수 없이 생기는 거 같고 구글직원은 삭제하면 function을 어지럽힐 수 있다고 함.. 어떤 사람은 지웠다가 fu.. 2022. 5. 20.
flutter future 병렬처리 future를 실행하다보면 병렬처리를 해줘야할 때가 있다. 예를 들어 //await getFollowers(); //await getFollowings(); progressing= false; setState(() {}); 해당구문처럼 실행하게 되면 getfollower를 모두 실행 후 getfollowing를 모두 실행 후 setstate를 하게 되어 시간이 낭비 된다. 다음과 같이 해결해보면 좋을 것 같다. void loadData() async{ progressing= true; setState(() {}); await Future.wait([getFollowings(), getFollowers()]); //await getFollowers(); //await getFollowings(); prog.. 2022. 5. 19.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-40) Rules Overview https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/rules/rules-overview/ Rules overview | Algolia How to use Algolia's Rules to create flexible and dynamic search results. www.algolia.com Search needs to be flexible. When you hold a promotion, you shouldn’t need to reconfigure search settings or modify individual records. If one of your products isn’t appearing where you want it .. 2022. 4. 28.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-39) https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/geolocation/how-to/geo-ranking-info/ Geo ranking info | Algolia The data Algolia uses for geo ranking. www.algolia.com Geo Ranking Info(지역 순위 정보) When you use Algolia’s Geo feature, you can get information about each record’s geo ranking. This information can be useful to detect bad or missing geo data, and can indicate whether y.. 2022. 4. 28.