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Firebase following follower 만들기 https://fireblog.io/post/Q5bOGfWwM8ict9CudnXk/how-to-build-a-scalable-follower-feed-in-firestore How to Build a Scalable Follower Feed in Firestore - Fireblog.io Jonathan Gamble on Sunday, October 3, 2021 (last modified on Sunday, October 17, 2021) fireblog.io 숫자가 많아졌을 때 해결방법인데 이거 참고하면 좋을 듯! 2022. 3. 7.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-32) Faceting https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/faceting/ Faceting | Algolia Learn how faceted searching works with Algolia. Algolia uses facets for categorizing and grouping your data. www.algolia.com Facets let you create categories on a select group of attributes, so users can refine their search. For example, on an index of books, helpful facets might be author an.. 2022. 3. 5.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-31) Filters and Facet Filters https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/filtering/in-depth/filters-and-facetfilters/ Filters and facet filters | Algolia Learn about the relationship between filters and facetFilters. www.algolia.com As an alternative to the filters parameter, you can use other parameters that provide nearly the same functionality. They include facetFilters fo.. 2022. 3. 5.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-30) Filter Scoring https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/filtering/in-depth/filter-scoring/ Filter scoring | Algolia Scoring filters by controlling their weight and therefore impact on searches. www.algolia.com As well as refining results, you can use filtering to rank records according to how well or how poorly they match a set of filters: this is called filter scoring... 2022. 3. 5.