728x90 전체 글551 bottom navigation 좋아보이는 것 발견 https://pub.dev/packages/salomon_bottom_bar salomon_bottom_bar | Flutter Package Yet another bottom navigation bar, but with a few key promises. pub.dev 나름 귀여우면서도 깔끔한 것 발견 다음 프로젝트에 적용해보고 싶은 마음이 생김! 2022. 10. 3. flutter clean architecture demo https://flutterawesome.com/a-sample-app-that-implement-uncle-bobs-clean-architecture-in-flutter/ A sample app that implement Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture in Flutter A sample app that implement Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture in Flutter flutterawesome.com Github 에서 받아서 사용해봐야겠다 2022. 9. 29. getX obx bottom tabbar error I found error when use (In appbar)bottom : tabbar, it occur not change obx body objects. (Sometimes tabindex change not work) I move tabbar to body, it solved. I think it is need to fix by flutter team. 2022. 9. 27. getRange join, getRange, subList 등.. iterable에 쓸만한 함수가 많이 있으니 공부를 좀 더 하면 좋을 듯 2022. 9. 26. 이전 1 ··· 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ··· 138 다음 728x90