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Flutter에서 js 정규식이 안써지는 이유 js 의 정규식을 계속 쓰려고 해봤는데 flutter에서 써지지 않았다. 정답-> js에서는 var string2 = string.split('/[,>]+/'); 이런식으로 정규식 표현을 하지만 flutter에서는 var string2 = string.split(RegExp('[,>]+')); 이런식으로 표현해야한다. regex안에 넣어주고 대신에 //을 빼준다! 더 많은 정보가 필요하다면 다음 영상을 시청 바란다. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3M6toIflyQ 정규식 연습은 아래 페이지에서 가능합니다 https://regexr.com RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx RegExr is an online tool to learn, build, .. 2022. 2. 20.
Apply After Effect in Flutter https://pub.dev/packages/lottie lottie | Flutter Package Render After Effects animations natively on Flutter. This package is a pure Dart implementation of a Lottie player. pub.dev with Lottie library! you can use gif file. but this way would take your app capacity. Using Lottie will solve the problem. 2022. 2. 16.
Flutter google map https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/40284#issuecomment-883899432 [google_maps_flutter] Empty map when resuming from background on Android · Issue #40284 · flutter/flutter Tested with google_maps_flutter 0.5.21-0.5.21+11 on Emulator and Pixel 3a, Android 10. Steps to reproduce: Open app with GoogleMap -> displays ok Put app into background, without it being killed... github.com flutter에서 go.. 2022. 2. 12.
Dart Generic Development Dart Generic Development https://dart.academy/generics-in-dart-and-flutter/ 2022. 2. 10.