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flutter에서 dialog 제거 주의 Get.until((route) => route is! PopupRoute); //팝업창 모두 끄기 flutter에서 dialog창이 아닐 때까지, route를 종료시키는 함수인데, GetxController랑 같이 쓸경우 page는 안닫히는데 Controller가 닫히는 것 같다. page말고 tab이 함께 띄워져있어서 그런지.. 정확한 원인은 잘 모르겠지만 사용할 때 주의를 해야할 것 같다. 2023. 9. 24.
flutter web image load 안될 때! https://nobang.tistory.com/entry/Flutter-Failed-to-load-network-image [Flutter] Failed to load network image flutter를 web으로 해서 test할 때, firebase 에 정상적으로 image가 upload되어있고 image : NetworkImage(snap['imageUrl']) 를 했는데 코드에는 이상이 없는데 실행해서 보면 ======== Exception caught by image resource service nobang.tistory.com flutter web은 image가 load가 안 되더군요. 그치만 방법을 찾았습니다. 2023. 9. 23.
flutter inspector code chase가 안 된다? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77091390/clicking-on-a-widget-with-flutter-inspector-does-not-go-to-the-code Clicking on a widget with Flutter inspector does not go to the code I use android studio as an ide, when I clicked on a widget with inspactor, it would directly show where the code was, but it doesn't show it anymore, probably I broke some settings. For 2 days I've... stackoverflow.co.. 2023. 9. 14.
window app release 하는 방법! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64291336/how-to-build-release-version-of-windows-app How to build release version of windows app? How to build release version of windows app in flutter and where to find the build file ? Actually I have build the windows app using flutter build windows but am not able to locate the file which... stackoverflow.com 2023. 9. 9.