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How to setting Theme of flutter circular Progress Indicator bar Color theme: ThemeData( progressIndicatorTheme: ProgressIndicatorThemeData( color: circularProgressbarColor //put color you want! ),) 2022. 1. 31.
로딩화면 제작 시 사용자 동작 못 하도록 만들기 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54220859/flutter-disable-touch-on-the-entire-screen Flutter disable touch on the entire screen Is there any way to prevent my screen from receiving touch events, I don't want to disable touch for every Widget in my app. I just want to lock the app so that it doesn't receive touch events. How... stackoverflow.com AbsorbPointer 또는 IgnorePointer 사용하기 2022. 1. 31.
Create Gif file easily https://ezgif.com Animated GIF editor and GIF maker Easy to use online animated GIF maker and image editor. Upload and edit GIF images for free. Create, crop, resize, reverse, optimize and split animated GIFs, cut and resize videos, WebP and APNG animations. ezgif.com you can make gif file with not only image files, but also movie clip. You dont even need to download program. It works in web. 2022. 1. 30.
Infinite Scroll Firebase https://blog.litedevs.com/infinite-scroll-list-using-flutter-firebase-firestore Infinite Scroll List using Flutter Firebase Firestore. Reading data from firebase is expensive and if there is lot of data, only small portion of it would be visible to user. So why download all of it if we can use pagination method to achieve infinite scroll list. This is our data in Firebase Firestore... blog.lited.. 2022. 1. 30.