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알고리아 getting started(1-10) Get Started Using the Dashboard Replicas(복제본) On the Replicas page, you can create replica indices. 복제본 페이지에서 복제본 index들을 작성할 수 있습니다. Search API logs(API 로그 검색) On the Search API logs page, you can see the last 1,000 calls you’ve made to Algolia’s API. Using the tabs at the top of the page, you can view search requests, build requests, or failed requests separately. You can’t see logs older than.. 2022. 2. 28.
알고리아 getting started(1-9) Get Started Using the Dashboard(대시보드 사용 시작하기) Algolia’s dashboard is an interface for accessing your data and index configuration. If you’re a developer, you can use the API clients to access Algolia’s complete feature set and take more dynamic control of your application. However, to quickly test your data, you can do an initial import using the dashboard. If you’re a project manager or other n.. 2022. 2. 28.
알고리아 getting started(1-8) TUTORIALS Tracking Usage and Performance in the Dashboard(대시보드에서 사용량 및 성능 추적) The Dashboard presents key information about performance and usage activity. You can use it to get a good understanding of the activity on your Algolia account—like knowing what your users are doing, and how fast, and what sort of API operations are being performed. All this provides an open window into your applicatio.. 2022. 2. 27.
flutter permission handler 최신 버전 iOS 안 될 때 https://velog.io/@manpkh95/Flutter-iOS-권한-받기-Permission-Handler-Package Flutter iOS 권한 받기 (Permission Handler Package) Flutter를 이용한 카메라, 마이크 접근허락 패키지 permission_handler! iOS 환경 설정 뿐 아니라 코드 예제도 보자 velog.io 2022. 2. 27.