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알고리아 getting started(1-3) Building a search UI with InstantSearch(InstantSearch를 사용하여 검색 UI 구축) To help you build the best solution as quickly and with as little friction as possible, Algolia offers a family of UI/UX libraries called InstantSearch. InstantSearch offers a full set of UI components that you can use on any web, mobile, or voice application. In minutes, you get a fully functional search UI. You can use the I.. 2022. 2. 24.
알고리아 getting start (1-2) What can Algolia do for my business?(알골리아는 내 사업을 위해 무엇을 할 수 있을까?​) Algolia provides a dashboard that lets you customize your search and view Search Analytics without any coding. The dashboard enables business and marketing teams to engage and customize the search experience of your users. With it, you can: Promote specific products or brands. Add personalization to your search. Test different se.. 2022. 2. 24.
알고리아 Gettingstart(1-1) What is Algoila? 알고리아가 뭐지? Your users almost certainly use at least one of YouTube, Amazon, and Facebook. An essential feature that these big websites share is great search. The reason they have great search is because they have hundreds or thousands of people working on it full-time. Because your users are constantly exposed to great search on these platforms, they expect to find it on every si.. 2022. 2. 24.
예쁜 드롭다운 버튼 (pretty dropdown button from pub.dev) https://pub.dev/packages/dropdown_button2 dropdown_button2 | Flutter Package Flutter's core Dropdown Button widget with steady dropdown menu and many options you can customize to your needs. pub.dev 2022. 2. 21.