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알고리아 Managing Results(3-5) Searchable Attributes(검색 가능한 특성) https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/must-do/searchable-attributes/ Searchable attributes | Algolia How to decide which searchable attributes you want to use www.algolia.com The first step to take when setting up and configuring your index is to decide which attributes you want to use for searching. 색인을 설정하고 구성할 때 가장 먼저 수행할 단계는 검색에 사용할 속성을 결정하는 것입니.. 2022. 3. 3.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-4) Finding Records https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/relevance-overview/in-depth/textual-matching/ Finding records | Algolia Understand what it takes to find records in an index beyond simple textual matching. www.algolia.com Textual Matching - The Bare Minimum for Search(텍스트 일치 - 검색을 위한 최소값) Simplest Relevance(가장 간단한 관련성) A good way to understand relevance is to imagine search wi.. 2022. 3. 3.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-3) Defining Relevance https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/relevance-overview/in-depth/defining-relevance/ Defining relevance | Algolia Relevance is about finding and ranking results from your index in a way that matches the users' needs and expectations. www.algolia.com Relevance Is …(관련성이란...) Intelligent Matching(지능적인 매칭) Relevance makes sure that all records that match a query ar.. 2022. 3. 3.
알고리아 Managing Results(3-1) Relevance Overview(관련 개요) https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/relevance-overview/ Relevance overview | Algolia Relevancy from a high-level point of view - finding records, ranking, tie-breaking, typos, and other settings. www.algolia.com Getting the best results(최고의 결과 얻기) Relevance touches on every aspect of the Algolia search experience. It governs everything from structuring y.. 2022. 3. 2.